

Athena defeated Ares and Aphrodite in the battle. Apollo is being rather noble, considering that his city is destined to fall.

Poseidon challenged him to a duel, but my sensible brother believed that it wasn’t worth it to fight over mortals. I encouraged him, but Hera told me to be quiet.


Hera and I asked Zeus for permission to assist the Achaeans, who were being pummelled by the Trojans. A few speeches later, Hera had the Greeks rallied to go, whilst I told Diomedes to fight, regardless of god or man.

We rode in the chariot together and charged towards my ruthless brother, Ares. He sustained an injury and was flew back to Olympus to complain to Zeus. Luckily, my father put him in his place.

Hector has urged Queen Hecuba and her Trojan attendants to pray to me for mercy. Ah, I wish them luck.